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    Evg. Laura Pickett
    You know without a doubt, the Body of Christ has been under attack and has had to face many challenges over the last few years. Of course the Pastor and the Pastor's Wife have been on the front line of this fight of faith. We've been tested and tried; we've gone through the fire and the flood. But Psalms 66:12 says "…but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place". Other translations say, to a safe place; a place of safety; brought us out and refreshed us; a place where we have everything we need; you led us finally to a safe place, a land rich and abundant. I want to encourage you that you "Win in the End"! If you'll stay the course, your victory is guaranteed! We are here to encourage you that "You Can Do All Things through Christ that Strengthens You" (Philippians 4:13)… (Click PWEN Blog to read the entire article.)
    Evg. Laura Pickett
    Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the heaven."

    I have had many experiences in my life where I've been able to look back and recognize the timing of God. I'm confident that there is a season and time that God ordains for certain things to be released in our life. If we can take a moment and see how and when things work out, you would probably see clearly, He had a hand in it. Who but God can control the birth of a child and bring them forth in nine months, time and time again, like clock work? He said our timing is in His hands! Within the last few days, the Lord asked me to count up the number of months since the conception of the vision of the Pastors' Wives Ministry and the Launching of this Pastors' Wives Empowerment Network, and I realized that it's been nine (9) months… (click the title link to read full article)
    Eccles 3:1 "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven,"

    I would like to share a note from my personal life experience. When I was 12 years old, I had a dream. Jesus sat and communed with me on my front porch for hours before He finally rose and placed a paper scroll in my hands, with direct instructions that were very similar to the words of the Gospel of Matthew and Mark, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel; And fear not for lo, I am with you always." Then He ascended---which was when I amazingly realized with whom I had spent my entire morning!
    Evg. Laura Pickett
    The role of being a Pastor and a Pastor's Wife carries such a major responsibility that we can often lose focus of our roles as husband and wife. We take seriously the saving of souls and watching over the lives that God has entrusted to our care. However, I believe the saving of our marriages and watching for the souls of our children that God has entrusted to our care is just as important. As we all know, marriage was the first institution God created and then children. The family is the first church. I believe God applauds the building of this Ministry as much, if not more, as the building of our Church. I know this first hand because in the early stages of ministry development, I remember being so hungry for the things of God and wanting to run out and save the world but God spoke clearly to me and refocused my priorities. I was trying to get to this meeting out of town and He said, "I'm not impressed with you running after ministry, or anything, at the neglect of your family.
    This is a month that most people all over the world go out of their way to show Love to someone important to them. We've all heard the quote from the Love Poem, 'How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..'! How do you count the ways of Love? The Bible tells us "God is Love". So if I want real Love, I starts with God. We're commanded to Love our Neighbor as we love ourselves; Love our enemies; Love those that despitefully use you! Wow! Sounds like a Big Order. But God wouldn't command us to do it, without giving us the ability and resource to do it. He starts with loving Him first and then in turn, we can love our Neighbor (Our Husband, Our Children, Our Co-Workers, Our Church Members, etc. etc.).
    Evg. Laura Pickett
    This month of February is recognized by most as a month or season for Love, with the celebration of Valentine's Day. People want to get married on Valentine's Day because it's during the time that everyone is showing Love! However you and I know that this idea about love didn't come from a person nor the world but from God. So for those of us born again love is not a seasonal thing that we show on February 14th but it is a way of life expected everyday. The Love God has given us isn't demonstrated just one day out of the year but every day of our lives. It's not based on our feelings, or what someone does or doesn't do for us. This love is based on a gift from our Heavenly Father that so loved us, He gave His only Son that we could have eternal life. (John 3:16) (Click PWEN Blog to read the entire article.)
    Evg. Laura Pickett
    Most of us are continuously striving to improve and become better than we presently are but as a result can sometimes get caught up in trying to be better than someone else. I think it's important to strive to be the best you can be but not at the expense of losing focus of how great you already are. Proverbs 18:22 says, "Whosoever findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord". We need to be reminded: we are good! We may not get everything right every time, every day and in every situation, but the Word says, "…Wife, You Are Good"! Good means you're superior to the average, desirable, distinguished and worthy of respect and honor. Your husband has obtained favor because he found you! Don't focus primarily on what's wrong and what needs to change in your life; begin to focus on the good and the fact that God calls you good! When you look in the mirror and you are lead to beat yourself up ... (Click PWEN Blog to read full article.)
    Evg. Laura Pickett
    I've never been a person that will do something just to be doing something. That's why religion has never worked for me because I'm not impressed with the form of things but I want results from things. When God spoke to me to start this ministry, and my husband had already shared the vision several times, I knew God had a plan for His wives. Once I heard the Voice of God I moved with urgency and have been so encouraged by many Pastors' Wives of the needs. I want to say, I don't believe in wasting time. In other words, we must take care of real needs, real concerns, real issues and be about real ministry because this was a "God Mandate" not just a "Man" date! If you're here, you have something to give or something to receive. I'm sure you share my sentiment; we don't have time to waste. So let's keep it real and be about our Father's business!

    Evg. Laura Pickett
    I don't think there is anyone out there that loves to wear makeup more than me. My daughter, Ashlee', calls me a diva because I don't leave home without it. I just like putting my best foot forward (in that way). There are many of you that probably feel similarly. However, I don't want us to confuse putting on makeup to adorn ourselves, as mentioned in 1 Peter 3:3, with putting on masks to cover ourselves. I bring this up because too often, as Pastors' Wives, we feel we have to portray a perfect life, perfect marriage, perfect children, etc. There's a difference in a perfect life (that doesn't exist) and a faith filled life (that overcomes). We don't want to misrepresent to the Body of Christ that we don't face challenges in life because Jesus said that we would face trials and tribulations but to be of good cheer because He has overcome it for us! We live by faith and are called to overcome. (Click the PWEN Blog to read full article.)
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THE SISTERHOOD EXPERIENCE BREAKFAST Saturday, May 6, 2017 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Cost: $30 per person Limited Seating Location: This Is It Restaurant 3523 Camp Creek Pkwy Atlanta, GA. 30344 FAITH FAMILY LIFE CENTER, Augusta, GA. Saturday, May 13, 2017 - TBA "Mother/Daughter Tea" FAITH MINISTRIES CHURCH, Midland, MI. Saturday, May 20, 2017 - 9am "Prayer Breakfast" Grace Christian Fellowship, Milwaukee, WI Saturday, October 7, 2017 - TBA "Women of Prayer & Power"
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