About PWEN
Pastors' Wives Empowerment Network is a place where you may come to be enlightened, encouraged, mentored, strengthened, comforted, motivated, and supported. Whatever the need, we are here to assist you in getting that need met.
Pastors Wives
Empowerment Network.Org is a place of community: a
sisterhood, a place where you can come to, and feel at home. If you are
hurting, we do not want you to suffer in silence - please realize that you are
not alone. This is a safe haven, a place of comfort, a place of refuge, a
sisterhood where loyalty, confidentiality and purpose are found. We
admonish you to come in, be a part - find strength for your spirit -
refreshment for your soul, and joy for your heart.
Pastors' Wives Empowerment Network, A Sisterhood: Where Christ Reigns Supreme!
Our People
Pastors Wives Empowerment Network aka P.W.E.N., a community of Pastors Wives of various economic, social and educational backgrounds; a non denominational network- standing as an interconnected group of women with similar interests, callings, and concerns - We are formal as well as informal in our contact with one another for mutual assistance through Conferences, Workshops, Coaching, Mentoring, Counseling, and moreā¦
a coherent entity designed to encourage you and to equip you in your call.
Our Motto
"Empowered to Fulfill Every Call"
4:13 Amplified - I have strength for all things in Christ Who empowers me [I
am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner
strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency].
P.W.E.N. Is A Christian-Based Network and We Believe:
believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible and authoritative word
of God. (II Timothy 3:16; I Thessalonians 2:13)
believe in the Trinity; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost.
(John 1:1, Genesis 1:26, John 5:7, Matthew 28:19)
believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, and His
vicarious and atoning death, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to
the right hand of the Father and in His personal future return to this earth in
power and glory to rule over the nations. (Luke 1:26-35)
believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance
and faith in the precious blood of Christ. We believe that regeneration by the
Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation and that you must
believe in your heart and confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus. (Romans 5:12
and Romans 10:9-10)
believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing to the
human body in answer to believing, prayer and the laying on of hands. (James
5:14-15, 1 Peter 2:24, Isaiah 53:5)
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
believe that the baptism of Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in
tongues is given to believers who ask for it. (Acts 1:5, 8 and 2:4)
believe that baptism is a symbol of the Christian's identification with Christ
in His death, burial and resurrection. (Mathew 28:19)
believe that the tithe is Holy and belongs to God. (Malachi 3:8-11 and Matthew